Sunday, August 22, 2010


Texas State Capitol Building, Austin
Texas State Capitol Building, Austin

The following report is from Linda Burton who was a delegate at the state Republican Convention. What she said about the convention and how it will affect Texans.

Dear Friends and Fellow Republicans OR limited government friends,

I am exhausted from a drive back this evening from Dallas but wanted to share some important information with you about the upcoming November elections and the Texas Republican Convention.

The Republican Convention was huge---5,000 delegates and over 2,500 alternates with most of our Congressional Texans in attendance. We heard from everyone Gov. Perry on down through Railroad Commissioners and the all Republican Texas Supreme Court Justices. Greg Abbott was awesome. He is going after ObamaCare with a vengeance plus all States Rights matters and border security. I had an opportunity to thank him at a break and also thanked Jerry Patterson for the help he has given Galveston .

Michelle Bauchmann was the keynote speaker at the Friday banquet and if you have the chance to hear her in person DO NOT MISS IT. This lady is a pit bull, a tax attorney and is the number one target of Nancy Pelosi---so if you can send her money for her campaign in Minnesota do it. She is on the top of the hit list of Obama's thugs.
Haley Barbour, Mississippi ’s outstanding governor spoke today and reminded us all that we can't wait for 2012. We must take back our country in November. This is the most important November election of our lifetimes. These people in Washington hate Texas . I am not joking about this. Congressman after Congressman spoke to that with concrete examples. We are the beacon of free enterprise, balanced budgets, and we are a Republican state. Obama is not funding NASA, is going to demand that when federal dollars are spent on things like our South Texas nuclear power plant the workers must be union. I am confident Greg Abbott will sue over this. Obama needs to understand that his Chicago scare tactics will not work in TEXAS .
Obama's Cap and Trade policies are aimed squarely at Texas ' energy business. Our party Vice Chairman at the beginning of the convention, Dr. Robin Armstrong, an African American physician (who graduated from UTMB) says that global warming is a joke---we breathe out carbon dioxide -----So count to 10 and hold your breath to save the planet!

I write this with just one hope. Even if you have never been politically active, please...please get engaged this year. We need your votes. We need you to get friends motivated. We must take back our country now. 2012 is too late. Pelosi, Reid and their cronies must be voted out of office in November.

We have a strong slate of candidates. No Democrat seat is unchallenged. That includes Shelia Jackson Lee, Gene Greene, and Lloyd Doggett. If you e-mail me your precinct, I will connect you with someone in the Party that needs help.

Do this for your children, grandchildren and for the Country. Democracies go through a predictable transition and we are in the period of apathy. If we don't turn this around now, our liberties will evaporate before we even know it happened.

Linda J. Burton
Consultant, Sales, and Marketing Management
I forgot one more point. One of the members of the Congressional delegation who is a small businessman stated that most members of Congress did not know the difference between gross and net revenue. No wonder they are taxing us to death. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated that Obama did not talk to the CEO of BP because its Board of 12 people would have to be involved and he did not want to talk to 12 people.

This is truly appalling and is why my daughter said to me "Mom what do you expect, it is amateur hour in Washington ".

Linda J. Burton
Consultant, Sales, and Marketing Management

We are in the middle of a communist revolution and few in the US can actually see it for what it truly is. The US is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled.
Live Free or Die Fighting!
Naval Commander Jerry Wilson

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