Saturday, October 5, 2013



Our NEW Civil War

by garnet92

Make no mistake about it; we are slap-dab in the middle of a new civil war in this country. It’s not a formally declared war and it might be lurking just below the surface, but it is a battle nonetheless.
We have two factions at war with each other to determine the future of the United States.
On one side, we have the informed, politically aware portion of the citizenry.

While they listen to what our national leaders are saying and what the talking heads and pundits allow, they don’t assume they’re being told the truth, instead they dig deeper, seeking to verify the veracity of what is said.

There is a long-held belief about politicians: that is that they lie. The vast majority of the public believes that. It may be cynical, but to most of our population, it is the truth.

Why then would so many allow themselves to be taken in by a politician’s statements?.

It doesn’t take long to identify which politicians play fast and loose with facts. The informed citizen lives by the admonition to distrust, and verify. That admonition holds true regardless of the political party of the politician.

There’s an old adage in the computer world: “garbage in, garbage out,” which means that without good, clean, valid input, it’s impossible to render a good, clean, valid output. That is true of any decision. Without real facts, one simply can’t make a good decision.

The informed army is armed with facts when making decisions about issues of the day.
On the other side, there are the uninformed; the army of the unknowing and uncaring – the “low information voters.”

They don’t really understand what is going on, nor do they care enough to be curious, they’re too engrossed with NCIS, Dancing with the Stars, or Honey Boo Boo to be bothered. While they do care about the results and how those results will affect them, they simply aren’t engaged enough to recognize that they’re being sold a handful of magic beans.

They aren’t well informed and often, when interviewed on the street, can’t even name our three branches of government, or how many Supreme Court Justices sit on the court. And what’s worse, they won’t exert any effort to learn the facts about the issues facing the country in order to cast a more informed vote.

They’ll overhear a few snippets of news from the media news outlets or get their knowledge of current events from late night comedy shows and that’s about the extent of their knowledge of what’s happening in D.C., to their tax money and to their freedoms.

Their opinions are formed by hearing media sound bites, but they never challenge the veracity of what they’re being told. They are being influenced by those with a vested interest in slanting the “news” to favor a liberal agenda – and they blindly accept it.

They are essentially puppets; but unfortunately, puppets who vote.
And their vote counts the same as a citizen who has been engaged and informed. One who has studied, read, considered pros and cons, and arrived at a reasoned conclusion based on facts and truth.
It doesn’t really seem fair, does it?

Consider for a moment how engaged our founders were. They risked “their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor” to create our United States. And many of them lost their lives, fortunes, and were castigated for their actions. Consider our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines, weren’t they engaged? Many were so engaged, that they lost their lives protecting our way of life.
Is it too much to expect that a voting citizen be at least minimally informed when exercising his or her civic duty?

Some may disagree, but it is my firm conviction that if the electorate had been fully informed of the qualifications and character of the candidates for President in 2008, Barack Obama wouldn’t have been elected the first time, much less for a second term. The so-called fourth estate purposefully insulated him from any negatives and built him up to be the country’s savior. Now, because they’re afraid of losing their façade of infallibility, they can’t admit that they were wrong – and so they double down and continue to support him - ignoring his readily apparent inadequacies.

So here we are again, tumbling head over heels into another crisis. We, the informed, are trying to do the right thing for the future of our country, our children and grandchildren. But we’re being blamed for all manner of ills by the propaganda machine. And the uninformed are accepting statements made by the president and his sycophants as being the gospel truth when, in fact, much of what they’re saying are intentional lies and/or obfuscations.

The other side has been winning battle after battle based on ignorance alone. And the other side’s generals know that they can depend on the ignorance of their army of puppets to win the day simply based on their numbers.

Actually, the uninformed army of LIVs isn’t literally told what to do or how to vote, they’re simply herded like sheep towards a desired conclusion by the media’s choice of what they reveal and what they hide. Even when some anti-administration subject can’t be ignored by the media, they’ll influence their army’s opinion by a judicious choice of words describing the subject (it’s called “spin”).

We are in a vulnerable position when our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our economic well-being are all being jeopardized by the votes of an army of uninformed puppets.

The only way we can win this not-so-civil war is to break through and inform a sizeable number of the previously uninformed opposition about the issues confronting our country and depend on facts, truth, and informed common sense to prevail.

The battle of 2014 looms large.

garnet92 | October 5, 2013 at 10:49 AM | Tags: Barack Obama, Democrat, Democrats, liberals, low information voter, MSM | Categories: Political | URL:

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