The nine justices of the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) met today in their usual closed conference at which not even their clerks were present. Among the items on the docket was the appeal of Cort Wrotnowski in his case against the Secretary of State of the State of Connecticut (Wrotkowski v Bislewicz) in which Wrotnowski seeks to prevent the delegates from Connecticut to the Electoral College from voting for Barack Hussein Obama on the grounds that he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES as defined by Article II Section 1 and Article 14 of the U.S. Constitution. At the end of the day the Court did not announce its decision whether or not to grant a Writ of Certiorai for the case. Instead, unofficial word is that the Court will announce its decision on Monday.
Of course the problem is that the Electoral College will meet on Monday to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States. It is anyone's guess as to what will happen. If the Court is going to deny Writ for the Wrotkowski case it would seem to make more sense for Court to have announced that decision today. If it is going to grant a Writ for the case and announces on Monday that it will proceed to a public hearing on the case next week, it would seem that such a hearing would be moot.
Who knows?
- Leo Rugiens
The nine justices of the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) met today in their usual closed conference at which not even their clerks were present. Among the items on the docket was the appeal of Cort Wrotnowski in his case against the Secretary of State of the State of Connecticut (Wrotkowski v Bislewicz) in which Wrotnowski seeks to prevent the delegates from Connecticut to the Electoral College from voting for Barack Hussein Obama on the grounds that he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES as defined by Article II Section 1 and Article 14 of the U.S. Constitution. At the end of the day the Court did not announce its decision whether or not to grant a Writ of Certiorai for the case. Instead, unofficial word is that the Court will announce its decision on Monday.
Of course the problem is that the Electoral College will meet on Monday to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States. It is anyone's guess as to what will happen. If the Court is going to deny Writ for the Wrotkowski case it would seem to make more sense for Court to have announced that decision today. If it is going to grant a Writ for the case and announces on Monday that it will proceed to a public hearing on the case next week, it would seem that such a hearing would be moot.
Who knows?
- Leo Rugiens
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