Monday, April 13, 2009



Communism believes that history
is moved along by impersonal forces.
A man—any man—is just part of this movement.
Nothing he does can possibly change the force of history.
He may as well believe that he can alter the laws of gravity.
A Bonaparte or a Caesar or a Henry V is just an unconscious tool of this force.
He is thrown up by an indifferent dialectic and then just as indifferently swept aside.
Man exists only to serve this impersonal force—this history as god, as Hegel wrote.
This belief leads right to the gulag, for what value has a mere man when the god history is on the march?
He who runs counter to this progress will be crushed.

Thus communism puts itself smack dab in opposition to Christianity, a faith for which man is the center of Creation. Communist ideology also opposes much of the philosophy of the classical Greek city-state. There man—“the measure of all things”—was worthy of notice, and many competed for public acclaim: in the games, in the agora, in the assembly, in the theater, on the battlefield. One could in fact write an entire history of ancient Greece by concentrating on the biographies of its great men—and there were many. Men mattered, not impersonal forces. Even in collectivized Sparta this was true. Soldiers and kings competed with each other for notice and praise.

We take note of one of these men among a throng of heroes. His name was Leonidas. He was a king of Sparta. He lived, as the Chinese would say, in interesting times. His city-state—ironically once idealized by communists—had dominated and enslaved the Peloponnese for 300 years. Its army of 8,000 hoplites had seldom been defeated. Some 2500 years ago both it and its fellow Greek states faced their greatest challenge. For in far off Persia king Darius I was on the move. .....

We all know the story of the heroic stand at Marathon which sent the defeated Persians fleeing back home. But this was only a tactical victory for the Greeks, for Darius had used only a fraction of Persian power. Now he vowed to unleash the full might of his nation, but he died even as his troops were beginning to gather. His son Xerxes continued preparations for assembling the largest army
ever seen in the classical world. ......

This unwieldy host began moving toward Greece in 481. After crossing the Hellespont all nations in the path of the Persians and their king paid homage and gave allegiance. Even some Greek states went over to the Persians, for who could resist such an army? Athens and Sparta, squabbling as ever, managed to patch together some sort of tactical plan to buy time. Sparta agreed to send a reconnaissance-in-force of 300 hoplites under king Leonidas. It moved north out of the Peloponnese while picking up on the way 7000 other soldiers from other Greek states. Its destination was the 4 mile long pass at Thermopylae. Here Xerxes must pass to invade Attica, and here Leonidas would be waiting. .....

The Persians were unable to break through even after six days and 10,000 Persian dead. Xerxes was almost driven to distraction until a Greek traitor—and Greece produced as many traitors as heroes—revealed a path above Thermopylae through the mountains. If Xerxes could send a large force through there he would be able to appear behind the Greeks and so out-flank Leonidas and annihilate him and his army.

Leonidas became aware of what had happened when he heard on the seventh morning the sound of thousands of Persian soldiers moving in the hills high above the pass. He immediately knew that he and his army were doomed if they remained where they were. His tactical position being hopeless, he sent back any Greek soldier who wished to leave. He himself stayed along with his 300 Spartans. His decision was a momentous one. By staying at Thermopylae he would force Xerxes to spend time destroying the Spartan forces. This would delay the Persian advance to Athens and give the Athenians under Themistocles—almost as great a Greek as Leonidas—time to evacuate. A few hours after the flight of most of the Greeks from Thermopylae, Leonidas could see the glint of Persian armor both ahead and behind him. Advising his fellow Spartans to breakfast well as they would “take their dinner in Hell” he and his fellows fought and perished to a man.

What did Leonidas’ seemingly useless heroism purchase? It allowed the Greeks he had dismissed from Thermopylae to live and be able to fight and kill Persians on another day. It allowed the Athenian fleet to escape to Salamis, and there to inflict upon Xerxes such a crushing defeat that his plans for the conquest of Greece were ended for all time. After some land and sea operations the next year, Persia could never again launch an invasion of Greece. Free from the Persian threat, Greece embarked upon that ‘golden age’ which every schoolboy knows: Art, Philosophy, Literature, the Scientific Method, Geometry, the expansion of Democracy, History, Playwriting: in fact, almost everything we call ‘Western Civilization’ was set in place after the victory over Persia.

It was Leonidas who made all this possible, Leonidas and those who died with him at Thermopylae. What we owe this man is incalculable. Rather than submit—and the Persians seemed an invincible colossus, rendering any resistance futile and suicidal—he took a stand. He stood against the march of history and simply told it no. The entire flow of history, seemingly unstoppable as it marched into Greece upon the points of hundreds of thousands of Persian spears, was altered because of one man. One man.

One man with courage is a majority. One man with courage can defeat legions and empires. One man with courage can meet Caesar in the arena and emerge victorious. One man with courage can conquer both Heaven and earth.

May our own nation find many a Leonidas among us. For we will need such men in the coming months and years. Many.

Leonidas, requiescat in pace.

by Scio


"If in the opinion of the people the distribution

or modification of the constitutional powers

be in any particular wrong,

let it be corrected by an amendment

in the way which the Constitution designates.

But let there be no change by usurpation;

for though this in one instance may be the instrument of good,

it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.

The precedent must always greatly overbalance

in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit

which the use can at any time yield."

--George Washington,

Farewell Address,



Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama
is a
because he is not eligible to be President of the United States
because he is not a Natural Born Citizen
as required by Article Two, Section One, Clause Five
of the United States Constitution.
This is a fact regardless of
where he was born (Mombassa, Hawaii, Chicago, or Mars).

He is not a Natural Born Citizen
because he was not born of
at the time of his birth.
His father was a subject/ciitizen
of Kenya/Great Britain at the time of his birth and afterwards.

His mother was too young to pass on her US citizenship
according to the law in effect when he was born.

Check it out:

His usurpation cannot be corrected by Congress,
it can only be corrected by his resignation, his removal
by an amendment to the Constitution
which will never happen.

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